Here's our fabulous collection of strange facts

*Facts shown here have been collected from sources believed to be reliable, however, there are no guarantees. We recommend that you conduct further research if you plan on using any of these in a publication!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Swedish Royalty

Some years ago an American tourist, 'doing' Europe, remarked to a fellow traveller on a ' bus in Stockholm, 'You know, buddy, America is the most democratic country in the world. Ordinary citizens can go to the White House to see the President and discuss things with him' .

The man replied, 'That's nothing. In Sweden, the King and the people travel on the same ' bus' . The American laughed scornfully at this ludicrous claim. It was not until the Swede reached his destination and alighted from the ' bus that another traveller leaned over to enquire, 'Did you enjoy sharing your seat with King Gustav Adolph VI?'

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